My view of the Graph protocol

2 min readDec 21, 2020

As you can see my honest liking to the project came after seeing the above picture, I was in one of the teams which had to maintain these indexing servers let me give it to you after college with some much debt I ended in this kinda job I totally hated it for the reasons like a very boring job, you aren’t building something new but just maintaining an existing system, a lot of hardware failures would happen and needed help from IT team for which I had to work with them and fill all those papers. I give it you one of the worst jobs you can imagine but since I had no choice I continued with my miserable unless I came across the Graph which was solving exactly this issue. I wondered how come no one ever thought of such a solution so started digging more and ended up as a curator in the Graph network which I am so proud of now.

What kind of data and applications do you see moving to Web3?

So this is my point of view I have seen a lot of unique medical companies trying to get into the blockchain to use it for several reasons. Some of the bigtime pharma companies are reluctant to do this because they worry about efficiency.

Now with solutions like the graph, we can completely reduce the query time delay by providing indexed data with no downtime. This is a completely decentralized model so there is no single point of failure as well.

I have had some initial chats with companies like DNATIX where they can use the Graph to get more dynamic queries processed much faster thus enabling us to query DNA data in blockchain much faster future we might have our own unique sequence in the blockchain itself.

I see more medical data related application move to web3 and will use the services to do more of their research.

